If you spend too much time on Twitter or Facebook, please read this: No Twitter for a week by Matt Cutts http://bit.ly/51nhPL
Phil Baumann on "Internet addiction": "The Web has begun to use me more than I use it" http://bit.ly/7h30yF
"If you are healthy why are you taking 5 pills every night to ward off a heart attack or stroke?” - Define health? BMJ http://bit.ly/6KmSw1
"A Wiki About Doing Research" http://bit.ly/4KxpHK
How will Medicare's elimination of consult codes affect hospitalists? http://bit.ly/51K9qc
PeRSSonalized Nephrology - journals and Web 2.0 resources http://bit.ly/5DnkYu
"These days, the voice component of a smartphone is more of a necessary add-on rather than the primary function" http://bit.ly/4CVZFB -- A Case for the Unsubsidized Nexus One phone from Google http://bit.ly/7HWup1 and http://bit.ly/4CVZFB
"Facebook is increasingly irrelevant to my world in educational technology" - Joshua Kim http://bit.ly/5mfYxG
RT @loic We've acquired Ping.fm. Get ready to update 50 social networks from Seesmic http://ping.fm/JdI4Q
Skiff e-Reader specs leave Kindle in the dust http://bit.ly/60raDM - Hopefully there’s a browser included to take advantage of this...
Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
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