48% of beverages obtained from soda fountain machines in the U.S. contain coliform bacteria. Soda fountain machines may harbor persistent communities of pathogenic microorganisms http://bit.ly/8qCPSD -- Can soda fountains be recommended in (German) hospitals? No. http://bit.ly/8otP4y
31% of UK men and 21% of women drink "hazardously" - Support Grows For Higher Taxes On Alcohol http://bit.ly/8kgnRb
Arrest of a pediatrician, who prosecutors say may have molested more than 100 patients, followed years of complaints http://bit.ly/7lFOQK
Nuvigil could become the first medicine specifically approved by the FDA to combat jet lag http://bit.ly/5CDn1S
AstraZeneca made a deal with Teva shielding its lucrative esomeprazole (Nexium) from generic competition until 2014 http://bit.ly/6fIL5e
Which home medications should be continued perioperatively? The Hospitalist, 2009. http://bit.ly/6c19vF
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