Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Social Media Related Tweets and Insights

From my Twitter account:

4 Ways To Make Use Of Twitter Lists http://bit.ly/7L9qpj

Do You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog? http://bit.ly/5EZc8S

Does Text Paging Health Information Violates HIPAA Rules? http://bit.ly/5GOAOO by Dr. Wes

Doctors in Social Media Shouldn't Be Anonymous http://bit.ly/7HhKJY - It's personal decision but I agree it's better to post under your own name and I follow strictly this practice in my own work. Related: Anonymous Medical Blogger? Not Anymore http://bit.ly/8q8KPC and "Simply Fired - How NOT to Blog About Your Job. Especially If You Are a Doctor" http://bit.ly/8N6a1i -- I have been blogging since 3/2005, and I had to update all links to other blogs quoted in a post from 2005 - blogs die quickly, don't they?

“I just lost all my Google traffic – help!” - What to Do When Your Search Rankings Drop http://bit.ly/6axHsK

Shared Medical Decision Making: Informed Consent vs. Informed Choice http://bit.ly/7G0Ymh - There is a difference.

"Another Google Wave Use: Manhunt" http://bit.ly/4N45ju

Oscar winner appears to be tweeting from jail: An inmate wrestles with his fear, boredom and remorse - CNN http://bit.ly/7p4vjT

Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.

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