Every Cup of Coffee Per Day May Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 7%. Tea drinkers who drank more than 3-4 cups/day had 1/5 lower risk of diabetes than those who didn’t drink tea http://bit.ly/4NRfJo
People who had greater intellectual ability as children may have fewer heart disease risk factors in middle-age http://bit.ly/6cYTgT
Treating depression may help people with diabetes get their blood sugar under control. http://bit.ly/5gePQT
Fingertips get more sensitive as size decreases, study suggests, it may explain why women have more tactile acuity http://bit.ly/7upVWL
Should we find a better name for "Past Medical History"? History is by definition something that occurred in the past. From: 10 worst phrases to use at office - CNN http://bit.ly/90TUCx
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