Cancer rates worldwide are expected to increase by 75% by 2030 http://goo.gl/Wu8i9
Zinc could be useful adjunct treatment in infants with probable serious bacterial infection - The Lancet http://goo.gl/Hgqs7
To screen or not to screen for prostate cancer? Fewer than 2% of Johns Hopkins doctors plan to follow the recommendations and stop ordering PSA screening - Lancet http://goo.gl/5Nkha
Dark chocolate could work as prevention therapy of cardiovascular disease - BMJ's exercise in wishful thinking: http://goo.gl/Om6kq
UV protection and sunscreens: What to tell patients - CCJM http://goo.gl/yhRH4 -- Related reading: How to avoid damaging ultraviolet light - CCJM launches "Patient Page" similar to JAMA http://bit.ly/MkL6Ae
NYTimes asks experts what they want from the future: "permanent sunblock that embeds in skin ~ Lasik eye surgery" ?! http://goo.gl/TnHZa -- Related: 32 Innovations Will Change Your Tomorrow - underwear with sensors tells how hard you’re working your quadriceps muscles http://goo.gl/EWRuX
Psoriasis: Evolving treatment for a complex disease - CCJM 2012 review, free full text http://goo.gl/Sc9Uy
Acute community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults: CCJM 2012 review, free full text http://goo.gl/XKYQR
"Walmart clinics go live in the cloud": retail giant pushes healthcare providers to make diagnoses over the internet http://goo.gl/P51NW
A Single Inhalation of Laninamivir Works in Children With Influenza (study) http://goo.gl/BxgRs
Inhaled Hypertonic Saline (3%) mixed with albuterol reduces length of stay and admission rate for wheezing children http://goo.gl/g9cFH
College freshman at age 9, medical degree at 21 - Dr. Yano is the youngest student to get an M.D. from UChicago http://goo.gl/qkqNh -- Disclaimer: I am an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at UChicago and have met Dr. Yano in our clinic.
The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases@gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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