Ed Bennett shares three things he's learned about Healthcare Social Media: Our patients are ahead of us, Real change start at the top, Social media is more than the sum of its parts http://goo.gl/fD2Sj
Social media do's and don'ts for doctors - common sense advice from "Fierce Practice Management" http://goo.gl/ISzYO
ENT blog reaches 5 million web visits - their YouTube channel received 230 million views http://goo.gl/0nlFg
Many people still think Mayo Clinic is (only) a hospital http://goo.gl/kqfr9
Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals realize they need to start blogging ASAP - AAMC http://goo.gl/Sa5qO
Should doctors stop patients from taking smartphone pictures? Yes, suggests amednews http://goo.gl/Mf1if - Not likely to work.
70% of heavy users of mobile devices experience “phantom vibration syndrome” - NYTimes http://goo.gl/Drvy5
How to Become a Healthcare Social Media Superstar #HCSM http://goo.gl/5J3PO and http://goo.gl/LtvQN
Research Bloggers show a preference for papers from high-impact journals - just like everyone else on earth http://goo.gl/Ny7EA
Traffic to Hospital Web Sites - Cleveland Clinic surges, overtaking Mayo and Johns Hopkins http://goo.gl/O5Msp
The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases@gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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