Spending on health care in US is 17.3% of GDP, up from 16.2% in 2008 - largest percentage increase in 5 decades http://goo.gl/IZE4
People who drank 2 or more soft drinks a week had an 87% increased risk of pancreatic cancer http://goo.gl/DcXd
Thirdhand Smoke (tobacco smoke residue) Creates Indoor Cancer Risk. Nicotine reacts with indoor air pollutant to form carcinogenic compounds called tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) http://bit.ly/cRpb4r
Mediterranean diet may help prevent dementia - CNN http://bit.ly/a9lGLb
Latrepirdine (Dimebon) - oral medication developed for Alzheimer's - may also help patients with Huntington's chorea http://bit.ly/aAs3Uo
Paroxetine use during tamoxifen treatment is associated with an increased risk of death from breast cancer - BMJ http://goo.gl/9hHn
Crestor (rosuvastatin) Wins Approval as a Drug to Prevent Heart Disease in People with Normal Cholesterol Levels. Cheaper generic versions of Lipitor are expected in late 2011 http://goo.gl/2LLO
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