How Many Endoscopic Exams Could You Handle? Volunteers in 6-mo study got 15 endoscopic exams each http://bit.ly/9jGzMN http://bit.ly/9PHKsrMedical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
Tens of thousands of American adults die each year from pneumonia, influenza that could be prevented by routine vaccines http://goo.gl/UqiJ
A Wii Fracture Reported in the NEJM http://bit.ly/alIIoy, 3 Years After the First Case of Acute Wiiitis http://bit.ly/dn36Yb
"The government has your baby's DNA" from samples for genetic disease screening - CNN http://goo.gl/OsvS
What Costs $282 Million an Hour? Healthcare in America. WSJ http://goo.gl/FH6y
Acute infection can trigger acute coronary syndromes - The Lancet Infectious Diseases http://goo.gl/u2ec
Consumer Reports Rates Hospitals http://goo.gl/9COe
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