Nephrologists Using Social Media Connect with Far-Flung Colleagues, Health Care Consumers http://bit.ly/6uOP3W
The 2009 Medical Weblog Awards Finalists by Medgadget http://bit.ly/738YM0
Withdrawal of sibutramine leaves European doctors with just one obesity drug - BMJ http://goo.gl/mNg0
Histoptysis or oncoptysis: suggested terms for tissue expectoration of abnormal tissue leading to pulmonary diagnosis http://goo.gl/AGxk
Diuretics plus calcium channel blockers (D+CCB) were associated with a higher risk of MI than D+BB and D+ACEi http://goo.gl/Uy5r
Teen Drinking May Cause Irreversible Brain Damage - NPR http://goo.gl/BhI6
Human history: hunter-gatherer men of Europe could not compete with farmers made attractive by their new technology http://bit.ly/7NcQKo
Up to 16% of mentally healthy children and teens may hear voices - British Journal of Psychiatry http://bit.ly/4Tgqyr
Wisdom, openness and life satisfaction are positively intertwined - from the Journal of Happiness Studies http://bit.ly/7J9Kzn
Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
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