"He's the worst doctor ever" - Trashed on the Internet: What Should You Do? Medscape http://bit.ly/89Xbq6
Less than 25% of Americans eat 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables http://bit.ly/7Cs4NT
Preoperative chlorhexidine–alcohol more effective than povidone–iodine for preventing incisional infections http://bit.ly/7ktfns
U.S. health care system ranked 37th in the world - why we spend so much to get so little http://bit.ly/5LyOTG
Low levels of vitamin D may explain why African-Americans are more likely than whites to die of heart attack and stroke http://bit.ly/6MOcZe
China is accused of "warehousing" and denying treatment to its illicit drug users - BMJ http://bit.ly/7Kz9Zc -- Lancet urges China to fight scientific fraud after dozens of papers written by Chinese chemists were found to be faked http://bit.ly/5xKOab
"No flu shot? You're fired!" West Virginia's largest hospital plans to fire any employees who haven't been vaccinated http://bit.ly/5LBvHh
Amednews: Ark. doctor indicted for planting bomb that injured chairman of medical board http://bit.ly/8jkxNf Earlier: http://bit.ly/3v6hkW -- Doctor Indicted in Bombing of Arkansas State Medical Board Chairman - WSJ http://bit.ly/72PpOA
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