Alcoholics May Never Fully Regain Balance - Ex-drinkers still tend to sway, study finds http://bit.ly/6LPTa7Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
The U.S. largest health insurer plans to offer a service that connects patients and doctors using video chat next year. Virtual Visits May Expand Access to Doctors but state medical associations resist "a pale imitation of a doctor visit". For $45, anyone in Texas can have a virtual doctor visit with a real-life physician at NowClinic.com... NYT http://bit.ly/86J3af
"Drug giant uses libel law to 'gag' doctor over safety" - Telegraph.co.uk http://bit.ly/7NiEz2 -- "Highly respected academic radiologist is being sued by GE because his findings are inconvenient" http://bit.ly/4ULaiQ
"How Fosamax Got Into America’s Medicine Cabinet" - NPR http://bit.ly/86YBsP - Long article, definitely worth spending 10 minutes to read.
Teenagers trying to break the Facebook habit: “It’s like any other addiction" - NYT http://bit.ly/4CzvHF
"The terms "nerd" or "geek" are damaging, much like racial epithets, and should be avoided altogether" - NYT http://bit.ly/4TaOyI
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