MRSA causes more deaths in U.S. than HIV/AIDS, Parkinson's disease, emphysema, and homicide combined. http://bit.ly/6x2D33Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
Postoperative Blood Clot (DVT) Risk Greater, More Persistent Than Experts Thought http://bit.ly/7US7Mx -- Risk of DVT and PE after surgery is increased in the first 12 postoperative weeks (3 months) http://bit.ly/5IQevT
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment for neck pain - non-thermal laser irradiation is applied to sites of pain. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces pain up to 22 weeks after treatment in patients with chronic neck pain http://bit.ly/7xubdI
Retirement may help healing: Burden of ill-health is relieved by retirement for almost all workers in France http://bit.ly/4SZmJD
Diabetes patients who used sulfonylureas had a higher risk of death and heart failure than those who took metformin http://bit.ly/512Vs0
U.S. Surgeon General: More minority doctors needed - USA Today http://bit.ly/6tmj5s
Loneliness spreads in social networks - CNN http://bit.ly/6TVQWx
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