My list of allergists on Twitter - please reply to this tweet if you want to be included http://bit.ly/2QJLK7
A list of doctors on Twitter - 233 members - added one by one by Dr. Rana http://bit.ly/Ogs5j
Scobleizer really does not like Google Reader but he is not a typical user http://bit.ly/49JHJR - Google Reader is not Facebook, etc.
Twitter drama: Fry ends row with Twitter critic - BBC http://bit.ly/27382a
Are Twitter Lists Exclusionary? http://bit.ly/4eoCCj - No more than any other list.
@Doctor_V: list ranking will miss influentials in niche areas on Twitter, e.g. pediatric GI, allergists, etc. http://bit.ly/4eoCCj
How Twitter lists "define" you: "Wordle cloud of Twitter lists I am listed on" by Mike Butcher http://bit.ly/2PxWKW
"Understanding Alcoholism: Drunken monkeys of St. Kitts provide humans with a spooky parallel" http://bit.ly/1b2Zuf
Bing for Mobile at m.bing.com http://bit.ly/3tUomc
Why Steve Ballmer is no Bill Gates - Newsweek http://bit.ly/3vFjyT
Tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
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