Photo of a Loved One Reduces Pain - a Pain Relief Technique That Doesn't Require Drugs http://bit.ly/4rOo0tMedical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
Green Tea May Prevent Kidney Stones, nephrolithiasis affects 5% of the world population http://bit.ly/5neqOp
Eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking tea and red wine may offer some protection from colon cancer http://bit.ly/8i2GKX
Seasonal Flu Vaccine May Cut Swine Flu Risk by 45% For Some People http://bit.ly/6CuBlL
Using Cell Phones, Internet to Battle Eating Disorders: Online/text messages may be more helpful than therapy for some -- 0.6% of adults develop anorexia nervosa in their lives, and 1% develop bulimia nervosa, binge-eating affects 3% http://bit.ly/6hjvJs
Deadliest drugs - visualization of real-life data vs. news reports http://bit.ly/LFMBm
Formaldehyde May Endanger Funeral Workers: Leukemia risk may increase with longer exposure to embalming fluids http://bit.ly/5N7Hvs
The Henry Ford of Heart Surgery: In India, a Factory Model for Hospitals Is Cutting Costs and Yielding Profits - WSJ http://bit.ly/6fNSOq
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