Surprising: Minimally invasive robotic prostate surgery may carry higher risk of incontinence and ED than open surgery. 70% of minimally invasive prostatectomies are performed using a surgeon-controlled robot. A robots for prostate surgery cost up to $2 million. http://bit.ly/22BoQ7Medical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
55% of people who have died from the new pandemic H1N1 flu had underlying conditions such as asthma http://bit.ly/2iMjv3
Drinking 5 or more cups of green tea daily associated with 42-48% lower risk for hematologic malignancies http://bit.ly/KSuTy
Beyond Flu Shots, Many Adults Forgo Vaccines That Could Prevent Potentially Lethal Illnesses http://bit.ly/2rCcYs
Risk of Afib may double with systemic steroids taken for chronic diseases http://bit.ly/QCL1V
Most Influential Doctors Database by USA Today http://bit.ly/mlEwg
75% of 16-24 year olds say they cannot live without access to the Internet http://bit.ly/wDrUy
Announcing the new Cochrane Journal Club http://bit.ly/2vr9Uf and http://bit.ly/39WrQO
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