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H1N1 Influenza and Respiratory Protection for Health Care Workers: N95 respirators filter 95-99% of aerosol particles. No more than 30% of health workers tolerated N95 respirators consistently throughout an 8-hour workday http://bit.ly/g84Xs
Bad economy may be good for your health: Mortality dropped and life expectancy increased during the Great Depression http://bit.ly/bfrFg -- Economic growth has been linked to work-related stress, less sleep, on-the-job accidents, traffic fatalities, pollution http://bit.ly/bUDZn
Electronic medical records might help doctors identify men and women most likely to be victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is the most common cause of non-fatal injury to women in U.S. , implicated in 50% of murders of women http://bit.ly/8CLyk
Unilateral Rhinorrhea in Allergic Rhinitis Due to... Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak http://bit.ly/3WycEP
Treating an Ingrown Toenail: Things you can do at home -Tips by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons http://bit.ly/1h75A
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