For every hour of "social jet lag", the risk of being overweight or obese rises 33% http://goo.gl/fTlge
Lorcaserin (Lorqess) will be the first new prescription weight loss drug in more than a decade http://goo.gl/MexzC
Healthcare crushed by acronyms http://goo.gl/FqPX6
Pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis - 2012 Lancet review http://goo.gl/SpbKg
Spanish health cuts could create “humanitarian problem” - The Lancet http://goo.gl/YA0OA
Doctors in China were once revered, but now face increasing threats to their personal safety at work - Lancet http://goo.gl/gf62Q
Cosmetic laser treatment for removal of hair and tattoos can cause burns, blistering, scarring, permanent blindness http://goo.gl/71gdx
Statins: Is It Really Time to Reassess Benefits and Risks? http://goo.gl/vnn9x -- NEJM: studies are needed assess statin-induced diabetes.
How To Do Medical Education Research? A step-by-step guide: http://goo.gl/bTnIh
Understanding Research Impact http://goo.gl/2ZHCK and 20 Strategies To Enhance The Impact Of Your Research http://goo.gl/49MLb
Knee osteoarthritis in former elite soccer players: 40-80% have osteoarthritis http://goo.gl/qLu4f
Former world record holder in the 100-meter sprint, ran it in 22.04 seconds -- when he was 95 years old http://goo.gl/9bu01
The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases@gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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