Another Sobering Result: Among older patients, telemonitoring did not result in fewer hospitalizations or ED visits http://goo.gl/r0hXr
Turmeric spice (3 gm/day) decreases risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting http://goo.gl/TTO5b
Fast-food salt content varies by country: Chicken McNuggets contain 0.6 g of salt/100 g in UK vs 1.6 g in US http://goo.gl/PfJDj and http://goo.gl/Lg9rM
He Who Sits the Most Dies the Soonest http://goo.gl/ia1Jz and - Original study: http://goo.gl/pEkmk
Insulin degludec, new ultra-longacting basal insulin, associated with lower risks of hypoglycaemia than insulin glargine - The Lancet http://goo.gl/UbJpE
Promising new era for CF: ivacaftor (Kalydeco) blue pill, $294,000 per year, works for 4% of patients (G551D mutation) http://goo.gl/gXPxl
Value of screening for kidney disease unclear - 11% of all US adults and 44% of those older than 70 have it http://goo.gl/Bqfwv
Five S's relieve babies' pain during vaccinations: "swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking" http://goo.gl/NDYK2
1 in 16 youth plays the highly dangerous choking game: putting pressure on the neck with a towel or belt to cut off someone's oxygen supply, then releasing the pressure to give a "high" sensation http://goo.gl/bMeaE
Why MRI Machines Make That Loud Noise? 125 DB equivalent to a rock concert, ear protection is recommended. http://goo.gl/gKzJn
Why Facebook Terrifies Google - Facebook's ad targeting page has an incredible basket of granular options http://goo.gl/Vxxi0 - Does this work for clinical trials recruitment?
The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams.
Comments from Twitter:
Australian Doctor @australiandr: I'm not so sure re swaddling one, other thoughts?@DrVes: Top articles in medicine in April 2012 goo.gl/vA3Ys
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