Google Scholar replaces author names in articles with P Login (for Please Login) and P Options (for Payment Options) http://bit.ly/hA6SW -- Google’s algorithms create phantom authors for millions of papers. http://bit.ly/hA6SWMedical news tweets are not research articles - they are 140-character messages - please always go to the original source, links, etc. Tweets and links do not represent endorsement, approval or support. Image source: OpenClipArt.org, public domain.
"Google Scholar - A Personal Journey" by John Sharp http://bit.ly/27kS1V
Using fMRI machines, researchers try to guess what's in someone's head and "build a functional brain-reading device" http://bit.ly/1avDZP
Januvia and Janumet to change the prescribing information to note reports of acute pancreatitis http://bit.ly/dBcZh
DeBakey made the first Dacron vascular graft on his wife's sewing machine, used it for an aortic aneurysm the next day http://bit.ly/1nVg7J
"Typical professor of surgery: ebullient, extrovert, and confident" - The Lancet http://bit.ly/5UZjo
Tobacco smoking is a sad testament to humankind's propensity to self-harm http://bit.ly/2wWAPQ
Pop star Nick Jonas talks about his diabetes type 1 diagnosis http://bit.ly/l2JWm
Alcoholic hand gel removed from prison after inmates use it to make 'hooch' http://bit.ly/61quO
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